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Bombardements de Rouen

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Le rapport de la première mission des B-17 de la 8e Air Force (USAAF) sur Rouen

(Document aimablement envoyé par Michel Leveillard)


Mission details from "Air War Europa" page 56

"In the first raid over western Europe undertaken by USAAF heavy bombers, a single mixed squadron of 12 B-17s from the 97th Heavy Bombardment Group, escorted by RAF Spitfire fighters, attack the Sotteville railroad marshalling yard at Rouen, France, with more than 18 tons of bombs between 1739 and 1746 hours. The mission leader is Col Frank Armstrong, commander of the 97th, and the pilot of the lead bomber (in which Armstrong is co-pilot) is Maj Paul Tibbets (of Hiroshima fame). Also along as an observer is BriGen Ira C. Eaker, the VIII Bomber Command commanding general. (He was riding in the B-17 named "Yankee Doodle"). Flak bursts result in superficial damage to two B-17s, and there are no casualties. (The 88mm flak guns were located on the hill behind my house - Côte Sainte Catherine). Sgt Kent R. West, an aerial gunner, is credited with downing a GAF (German Air Force - Luftwaffe) airplane, in this case one of the GAF fighters that attacks the bomber formation. (Those fighters were ME109s probably from either the Conches or Beaumont le Roger airbase. The Germans had 10 or 12 Luftwaffe bases including Rouen within a short radius from were I spent the war. Several German Aces were based at Beaumont le Roger.)
August 18 - 5 Air raid warnings - no bombing. Canadian failed landing in Dieppe.
August 19 - Air raid warnings following the failed Dieppe landing.
September 5 1942 USAAF. (B-17s) - Heavy damages and heavy French civilian casualties in Rouen and suburbs. Ecole Michelet destroyed."

(Source: Rouen Newspaper of the period)
NB : les commentaires de Michel LEVEILLARD sont en italiques

Bombardement de la gare de triage de Sotteville-lès-Rouen le 17 août 1942. Cliquer pour agrandir. B17 ayany bombardé Rouen. La date mentionnée sur la photo est une erreur. Il s'agit bien du 17 août 1942. Cliquer pour agrandir.


Autres documents

Trois photos des clavettes de sécurité des bombes tombées sur Rouen en mars 1943.



  Lien vers la collection de Frank MALIVOIR proposant des photos rares sur les bombardements de Rouen en 1944 ;

Lien vers un site très documenté sur la vie des hôpitaux de Rouen durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale : il faut chercher dans la liste plusieurs entrées concernant la Seconde Guerre mondiale ;

Lien vers un site relatant l'histoire d'un équipage de Lancaster qui a bombardé Rouen dans la nuit du 18 au 19 avril 1944 (lien entré le 20/08/2002).

Autre ouvrage signalé par Michel LEVEILLARD :
Rouen et sa région pendant la guerre 1939 - 1945 par G. Pailhès / Defontaine Editeur à Rouen, s.d.


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